Deliver Competitive
Risk-Adjusted Returns
For Fixed-Income Investors

Our Firm

LM Capital Group

Firm Overview

LM Capital Group was founded by Luis Maizel and John Chalker to provide fixed income investment management services to investors.

Michael Chalker at LM Capital Group


LM Capital has long recognized the evolution of today’s financial trends and has a successful track record in the management of fixed income.

LM Insights

Lies that your fixed income Portfolio Manager tells you…*

* there are some details glossed over and simplified in the discussion below, but we don’t consider them to be lies.

March 2025

The Case for a Very Boring Emerging Market Debt Strategy

It has become fashionable to say that markets were blindsided by the February 24, 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Unfortunately, the data doesn’t quite support that view.

April 2022

RepRisk AG

RepRisk interviews Patrick Faul, Director at LM Capital Group’s Research Department.

February 2021

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